Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Men getting in on the fun

I generally hate it when a man looks better in women's clothing than I do, but this man has done such a good job I cant help but give him applause. 

Modelled by Joe Black
Photographed by Fashion Loves Photos
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Tuesday, 22 February 2011

A little up date

Not much to report lately just been making nipple tassels and organising patters, I have done a black corset and the pic's will be posted at a later date. (Me and the mobile are not talking at the minute.)
I don't quite know how much information you want to hear, but Stevi has kindly given me old stock. NOT BEEN USED. They are some lovely nipple pastes with black and sliver butterfly's on them. Need to get some tit tape if I want to use them. Apparently normal double sided tape works really well but I personal do not like the idea of ripping that off a very sensitive part of your body. 
There have been alot of meetings with business associates and clients lately due to the new collection that is being launched, (the out of control collection.) so I have been meeting some very interesting people who are more than willing to share tips and offer advice about starting a bunnies in Brighton. Brighton fashion business seam to be very into promoting products at elaborate festivals and invite only parties. According to most of the people I have been talking to this past week it is the best way to meet a flamboyant market that has a bit more money than the average working, and this market is usually on the eye out for products that have not been labeled by a big brand and have a bit more identity. Or as a crazy girl I meet this week called Flick says "Brighton is the home of the never understated, so as
long as it has character it will work."  

Monday, 14 February 2011

Sneak peak

This is a sneak peak in to the new out of control collection for this spring summer. Cant wait, this stuff looks so good on and the video they have made to go on there site is so cool. Stevi and Em both again have the jubbles out. 

Yummy Cherrys

These were some special made nipple tassels made for "She Said" a bespoke sex and corset shop in Brighton.

Valentine Order

This is a Katie Perry based West Ham united corset and hot pants the me and Em were making for Valentines day. I don't like it but the lady it was made for does hope here other half likes it as much guess he will find out today. 

This is how I learnt how to lace a corset probable 

Ophelia's Knicker

These knickers are there promotional Valentine knickers that not only did I make I helped in the design. First pair of knickers I have ever made. Thank god for Em I would never of been able to make them with out her help and her well explained patterns.

These are part of the flash mob collection they unbutton at the sides and they unbutton from the front all the way to the back. A bit of a novelty I think cool none the less.  

Bunker Fridays

On Friday 4th of Fed Stevi and Em where going to and club reopening in Brighton. The club was an old Wold War II bunker. Stevi asked me to make some old 1940's style Warden side caps and gas mask boxes. I enjoyed working that day because as I was staying late making these things I was allowed to indulge in drinking some red wine and talking with a crazy promotional advisor.

Secret Garden Party special order

Avery lucrative party was to happen in Battersy power station on the February 11th and Ophelia Fancy was asked to make three costumes to match the theme of tainted love. The idea's the customers had were a messed up cupid, poison ivy and a horror nurse. 

There are small red lighting in the dripping blood in the horror nurse and small green light in the poison ivy sculpture 

There is a green leotard that has leaves sewn all over it but it did not fit on the mannequin sadly. This one was pain full to make!!!!!

Creep cupid. Its so tacky but I do love it.