Not much to report lately just been making nipple tassels and organising patters, I have done a black corset and the pic's will be posted at a later date. (Me and the mobile are not talking at the minute.)
I don't quite know how much information you want to hear, but Stevi has kindly given me old stock. NOT BEEN USED. They are some lovely nipple pastes with black and sliver butterfly's on them. Need to get some tit tape if I want to use them. Apparently normal double sided tape works really well but I personal do not like the idea of ripping that off a very sensitive part of your body.
There have been alot of meetings with business associates and clients lately due to the new collection that is being launched, (the out of control collection.) so I have been meeting some very interesting people who are more than willing to share tips and offer advice about starting a bunnies in Brighton. Brighton fashion business seam to be very into promoting products at elaborate festivals and invite only parties. According to most of the people I have been talking to this past week it is the best way to meet a flamboyant market that has a bit more money than the average working, and this market is usually on the eye out for products that have not been labeled by a big brand and have a bit more identity. Or as a crazy girl I meet this week called Flick says "Brighton is the home of the never understated, so as
long as it has character it will work."