It has been just over two weeks since I stared working for Ophelia Fancy and I have to admit it I am loving every minute of it. First I think I should explain what they are all about. Stevi and Em are the two very lovely (very excentric) founders of this fast growing company, who both partake in designing and promoting their products. The products in question are vintage inspired underwear and made (or built) to order costumes. The pic below is Stevi and Em doing there thing.
My first day was to be the 27th Jan 2011. (A rather cold Thursday I would also like to mention not to good when one is trying to dress to impress in a very floaty suit.) Naturally I was very nervous I had no idea what they would be expecting me to do. I got to there studio for 10am just in time for breakfast and there they told me what I would be expected to do.
Basicly what was expected of me was: To be in every week day for 10am and discuss the days tasks over breakfast. I would be helping in construing, designing, pattern cutting, and brain storming new ideas for marketing. (EPPPP was my first thought to this.) I was allowed to leave any time after 4pm. I would be supplied with a free lunch each day.
It sounded like alot of responsibility at first but as I got to know Stevi and Em better I became more confidante and I really stated to contribute more idea's and even though I had only been working for two weeks some of my idea's they have already taken on, and I have designed products that the are actually going to put in to production. (WOOP WOOP)
As I have been keeping a hand written diary of my daily goings on I will only post key achievements and pictures of my creations on this blog, and lest face it I am sure no one wants to read in depth lists of boring day to day tasks.